About the Work

"Sekhmet", 6' x 3'

Acrylic, hand-embroidered beads and paper, ink, oil pastel on canvas.

A total of 7,000 hand-sewn elements to represent her story.
🦋: 700 paper feathers (100 sets of 7)
📿: 5300 beads (sets of 77, 70)
💧🩸: glass teardrops, red pomegranate seeds

She who is powerful // Egypt // Goddess of war, healing

Sekhmet was spawn from the eye of Ra, sun god. Humankind was then spawn from the Eye’s tears. When the humans became disobedient and disrespectful of Ma’at, order and balance, Ra sent Sekhmet to slay them. Her bloodthirst got the best of her and she nearly wiped out humanity. To stop her, Ra filled 7,000 barrels with beer, dying it red with pomegranate to resemble blood, and poured them on the fields. The goddess drank so much beer that she slept for three days, lost her lust for blood, and humanity was saved.